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Training course for teachers (27.02.2018)

More than 50 teachers in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Geography took part in a one-day training offered by the Faculty of Physics at the LMU, the meteorological institute, and W2W on February 27th 2018.

After two introductory presentations by Harald Lesch on the Anthropocene and how humans have changed the Earth, and by Bernhard Mayer on the physics and modeling of climate change (see photo below), the participants visited the meteorological institute. One group took part in a guided tour of the roof instruments, a second group took part in lab experiments, a third group took part in a climate workshop organized by the department of Physics Education, and a fourth group produced their own simplified weather forecast by mimicking a numerical weather model (see photo below; click here for more information on this activity called the "Forecast Factory").

The participants have gained insights in the Physics of climate change and weather and some teachers have announced that they would like to offer these workshops different in their classroom.

For more information about this event, click here (link in German).

DSC09153Bernhard Mayer explaining the physics of climate warming to teachers

DSC09157PhD and Master students supporting teachers during the "Forecast Factory" workshop
