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Presentation in the Carl Bosch Museum (29.01.2020)

On January 29th 2020, Tilmann Gneiting has been invited to the Carl Bosch museum in Heidelberg to talk about the role of coincidence in weather forecast (title of the presentation in German: "Wettervorhersage: Welche Role spielt der Zufall?"). This presentation was within the special exhibition "What a coincidence!" (in German: "Was für ein Zufall!").

Tilmann Gneiting gave an insight into the fascinating interactions between deterministic, numerical and statistical models and weather forecast. He highlighted in particular the roles of "chaos" and "coincidence".

tg_scaledTilmann Gneiting at the museum

tg_sk_scaledTilmann Gneiting and Sabine König (Carl Bosch museum) at the museum (Photos: Angela Michel, HITS)
